Once Upon a Time in a Forest

FI, 2024, 93 min, Finnish with English subtitles
Regie: Virpi Suutari

6. November
Heimatsaal im Volkskundemuseum
Paulustorgasse 13a, 1. Stock

with film subject Ida Korhonen (Forest ecologist and environmental activist)

< rotor > Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst


Once Upon a Time in a Forest unfolds as a modern fairy tale in the enchanting embrace of the Finnish forest. We witness young people seamlessly woven into the fabric of nature, swimming in crystalline lakes and reveling in the calm presence of the ancient trees. This idyllic harmony is imperiled as the forest faces man-made extinction.

Driven by her love for nature, 22-year-old Ida becomes the leader of the new Forest Movement, coming face to face with industry giants and confronting generational bias. Breathtaking visuals take viewers into the heart of the forest and the center of the conflict. The film is a hopeful ode to nature and its protectors.

“At its very core, Once Upon A Time In A Forest is a lyrical plea for the protection of the planet. A more convincing argument could hardly be imagined.” - Business Doc Europe

“brilliant, immersive” - High on Films

“nature and all its magnificence is captured beautifully” - Modern Times Review